
Call for Workshop Proposals

ICME 2011, July 11-15, Barcelona, Spain

Download PDF version or TXT version of this call for workshop proposals.

ICME Workshops should be “clearly focused” and facilitating active discussions and constructive interactions on current or emerging topics of interest. They should allow members of the community to compare and discuss approaches, methods, and new concepts on research topics pertinent to the main conference. These topics often offer emerging interests to the multimedia research community or bridge the community with other areas.

Workshop proposals for ICME 2011 should include:

Workshop proposals should not exceed 3 pages and should be submitted to the Workshop Chairs, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik (elsaddik AT and Xian-Sheng Hua (xshua AT Workshop proposals will be evaluated based on various criteria including the quality and level of details of the proposal, the theme of the workshop, its relevance to the main conference, and the overall balance of the conference workshop program.

Important Dates

Proposal Submission Deadline (Extended):October 30, 2010
Proposal Acceptance:November 1, 2010
Workshop Day:July 11/15, 2011


Workshop Co-chairs:

Abdulmotaleb El Saddik (elsaddik AT, University of Ottawa, Canada
Xian-Sheng Hua (xshua AT, Microsoft Research Asia, China

Main conference email:
Main conference website: